Welcome to Coastal Endodontics
Welcome to Coastal Endodontics
We are a practice limited to endodontics located in Santa Cruz, California.
We perform endodontic exams to diagnose diseases involving dental pulp and its surrounding tissue. With the help of our advanced technology we perform treatment to save an infected or decayed tooth.
We offer same-day availability for emergencies to accommodate patients. Once referred, you may call us to schedule an appointment.
What makes our practice different
After we have made the diagnosis and started treatment. We want to wait until all your symptoms have resolved before we finish the root canal. This approach will eliminate a vast majority of the problems the dental community has with lingering symptoms (mostly biting pain). The disadvantage to you is treatment time is spread out a bit.
Every root canal tretament is designed to give you the best chance for a long-term successful result.
Most dental studies show a "long-term result" as 1 year, 2 years 5 years. This is not adequate! I do understand that some of these studies, mainly for financial reasons cannot be really long-term. But from the patients perspective I feel 15 to 20 years should be considered long-term.